Wednesday, February 1, 2012

'What's That?' Wednesday: Small Gadgets

I went through the kitchen gadget drawer and found some interesting and unusual items, so I asked Mom about them.  Here are 5 that I picked out to share with you.

1.  Tupperware Citrus Orange Peeler

This peeler looks like a crochet hook, but it's used to peel oranges and grapefruits.  You hold the orange in one hand and with the other, you push down with the sharp edge and slice the peel off the orange.  It's great because it doesn't cut the fruit, but only the peel...if you do it right.

 I'm peeling a grapefruit here.

2.  Sharp multipurpose garnish gadget

This handy tool can be used for cutting and separating the insides of grapefruit halves, peeling the rind off lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits; and for cutting a watermelon (or any fruit really) in half so it looks fancy.


3.  Brown Sugar Stone

This stone is made of terra cotta.  Terra cotta prevents many foods from getting stale, sticking together or becoming lumpy. You soak it in water, let it sit for 15 minutes to an hour.  Take it out, dry it on the outside and place it in your brown sugar container.  It will keep it soft for a long time.  You can also use it in your containers of coconut, raisins, cookies and even popcorn!

 4.  Nylon Pan Scraper - from Pampered Chef

This handy item doesn't look like much, but it does a big job.  You use it to scrape baked on food out of your pans.  If you order them from Pampered Chef, you get 3 of them for only $2.75!!  

5.  Picnic Basket shaped table cloth holder - for outdoors

These cute picnic baskets are weights that you attach to your picnic table cloth.  This prevents your table cloth from blowing away.  All you do is hook each one to your table cloth on the edge.  Here I am, showing you how it's done.  It's winter out, so I can't show you on my picnic table.  =)



  1. Hello Hannah,
    I love what you are doing!! Lots of crazy gadgets!! I like the little pan scraper, think I'll get myself some. Thanks!

  2. Love your blog, Hannah. You are teaching me some things about gadgets. Great recipes too! I plan on trying to make a few.
