Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday's Munchies: Beach Treats

This delicious treat is great for birthday parties, having friends over, or any other time.  I enjoyed making these with my Mom! Eating them was fun, they were awesome...sand never tasted so yummy! 

Topper ingredients:                                                              
1 cup graham-cracker crumbs                                                      
4 tablespoons melted butter                                                   
1/4 cup powdered sugar
AirHead Xtremes candy
Store-bought pound cake
Gel tube icing

Bowl & Spoon
Kitchen scissors
Kitchen tweezers

1. Spoon your favorite pudding flavor in a glass dish (or other similar type of dish for one serving)
2. Mix graham-cracker crumbs, butter, and powdered sugar in bowl to make your sand.
3. Spoon sand over the pudding. Cut 2 pieces of AirHeads Xtremes for towel.  Fringe ends.  Lay towel on sand.
4. Cut flip-flop shapes from the cake slices. Make straps with gel icing. Add sprinkles and other decorations you desire. Place on treat.
5. Close your eyes while you eat it, and pretend you are on vacation on the beach!  Enjoy!! 

 Our fun creations


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