Friday, January 20, 2012

Family Fridays: Pizza & Garlic Bread

Dinner tonight was homemade pizza and garlic bread.  I put the dough in the oven to rise, then spread it on the pans with my hands, put on the toppings and baked them in the oven.  I made 4 personal pizzas for my family. 

I also made 2 kinds of bread.  One was garlic bread with butter, and the other was cheesy bread.  Yum! 

I had fun making dinner tonight, even though the dough had a funny feel to it.  For my table decorations, I put out candles, homemade place mats (made of paper and rubber stamps), and a pretty table cloth. Can't wait until next Friday.  Does anyone have ideas for me?  Leave me a comment if you do.  Thanks!


  1. I don't know which looks better, the pizza or the bread. You are an amazing!!! Do you prefer to cook or bake? Olivia is a great baker but doesn't like to cook much. Mackenzie is a wonderful cook, but doesn't enjoy baking like her sister. I have the best of both worlds!

    I'm really going to enjoy following you each week!

  2. " amazing CHEF!!!" I don't know what I did, but the word "chef" was there. :0)

  3. Hi Mrs. Bazyluk! I like to do both. I like to cook breakfast the most. I like to bake anything! I guess I like baking better. My favorite thing to do is decorate things I bake. =) Thanks for following me!!
