Friday, February 24, 2012

Family Fridays: Tacos

Our Taco Dinner

Tonight we had tacos...well, except for my brother.  He doesn't like them.   The meal was like a buffet, I made everything and set it up on the island, and each of us made our own plates up.

First, I started cooking the ground beef.  I had two pans of it.  One pan was going to be taco meat, and the other was just plain ground meat for my brother.

While the meat was browning, I cleaned the lettuce, got the cheese, tomatoes, sauce, taco shells and other taco toppings ready.

While the meat was cooking, I also set the table.  I kept it simple, using Moms roses for the center piece with a vase that I decorated.  I made menus for everyone also which they loved.  The only item on the menu was what they were going to have for supper.  Ha ha


 Toppings (plus baked potatoes for my brother)

When dinner was ready, I called everyone to the kitchen and they made up their plates.  It was VERY yummy, and I think it was the best meal I've made for my family so far!

 Mom's taco salad

Dad's tacos

My tacos (kind of plain)

My brother's MONSTER meal!  Potatoes, beef, cheese, sour cream and bacon bits!  
He ate it all!!!

Thanks for visiting my blog again.  I'm not sure what I'll make for next Friday, but you'll find out soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your mom's taco salad idea. I always think of tacos in a shell, but the taco salad looked really delish. I might have to try it that way the next time I make tacos
