Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's Munchies: Scottish Shortbread

Before you ask...I cannot give anyone this secret family recipe.  This is the BEST shortbread in the world!!!!  I do want to share some photos with you though, and if you ever want to taste it, just let me know and I'll share some with you.

Once you add all the 'secret ingredients', you combine them together by hand.  This is one very hard job!  It takes a lot of muscles because you use your bare hands to mix it.  My hands always get red and tired when I make this, but it's worth it!!!

Squishing the dough together.

 Here I am pounding it with my hands, trying to get it to stick together.

 Still working on it!

 Almost done!!

 FINALLY!!  The dough is formed and I can get it ready to cut into pieces!!

Once I got the dough mixed into a solid block, I cut it into 4 equal chunks.  Then I flattened and pounded the chunks into long strips and poked them all over with a fork.

I then cut the strips into individual pieces and placed them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

 Ready for the oven!

Once it's done baking, it comes out of the oven smelling wonderful!!!  If I can keep my Dad and brother away from them long enough for them to cool, there will be plenty to share!  They really are yummy, especially when they're cool!  =) 

All done, ready to eat!!!!!
See that photo above?  All I have left is the picture, the Shortbread is all gone now.  =(

This is a family favorite at Christmas time, but we eat it anytime.  What are your favorite family cookies?

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm! I love short bread too! Looks delicious! You are doing a great job on your site too, I loved the post with all the kitchens through the years, fun too see the changes! :)
